The 1000 is a first-of-its-kind global community that was created to recognize individual travel advisor achievement based on verified* sales. A worldwide collective of advisors now exists that is agnostic of affiliation or product mix but has one important quality in common: their high level of sales and likeminded desire to grow their businesses
Through this consistent global recognition standard, advisors can unlock additional connections, knowledge, and opportunities. The 1000 provides a membership-based recognition platform to qualify and magnify travel advisors' importance as the original and most powerful travel influencers.
We hope you'll join us.

Based in Canada, Tim was a Director at Virtuoso Canada & EMEA, a VP at TPI, an Investor in Umapped, and has sat on a handful of boards for global travel brands. He also volunteers weekly at Toronto Daily Bread.

Based in the USA, Jeff was a VP at Small Luxury Hotels of the World and a Senior Director at Protravel, following his career beginnings as a travel advisor. He is currently with J.MAK Hospitality.