If you don’t find the answer to your question below, e-mail us at info@the1000.club and we’ll be happy to help you.
Why did you create The 1000?
Is there a cost?
What are the benefits of membership?
Is The 1000 a travel agency or consortium?
Can a travel agency or consortium be a member of The 1000?
Does The 1000 have preferred partner relationships with agencies, consortia, or suppliers?
I made a mistake on my application – how can I fix it?
What does “verification”* mean?
How long does it take for an application to be verified*?
What annual sales level is required to become a member of The 1000?
I’m an agency owner/manager, can we add recognition with The 1000 as one of our advisor benefits?
Will The 1000 be publicly listing its travel advisor members by name?
My travel agency already has a recognition program – is The 1000 meant to replace it?
How often do I have to re-apply for membership?
How long is my membership valid for?
Do I include service fees in my sales total?
How do I apply if I work within a team of travel advisors and we pool our sales?
How do you define “sales”? Should I use “booked and invoiced” or “traveled” sales data for my application?
How often is acceptance into The 1000 determined?
I’m a supplier – how can I be involved?
How is my sales data verified?
How does The 1000 choose which charities to support?
Who has access to application information?
What if I don’t think my sales are high enough to apply?